A family member/friend who has a small brain. Usually stays behind in most events and is pretty sensitive to jokes. Can also describe someone who is Nerdy or Goofy Ahh.
Somebody who can do complex math equations in their brain in a matter of seconds.
Person 1: What is 356x751?
Person 2: Uhhhhhhhh
Person 3: 267356
Person 1: What a calculator brain.
1. The name says it all.
2. There is no Definition 2.
"How come I'm the only person with a brain, huh?"
Temporary lack of brain power; see also blonde moment.
Sorry, guys. I have a serious case of Ashley brain today!
Somebody who is over educated and thinks they know everything all of their knowledge has come from books but they have never had a real life hands on experience with any of their preaching so in reality they don't really know jack shit about anything and they might as well be mentally handicapped
Dude our foreman on this job doesn't know Jack shit about anything what a f****** waffle brain he better go sit his ivy school ass down in his air conditioning Job trailer before he fucks this whole project up
A brain trigger is when you type something in all caps, excited or laughing or freaking out.
she just had a brain trigger, its normal