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Jacob’s balls

Manky, wrinkly things that he likes to rub in everybody’s face and when they faint he has some yummy times with them as he infects them with blue waffles

Man I hate Jacob’s balls

by Animegirl69 July 18, 2020

Jacob Ferrell

When your head game is weak

"Awww man he is Jacob ferrell

by NotTheDeadbeat January 16, 2022

Jacob Mathew

If there was a lady's man more committed and truthful than Jacob, you're lying. He is the one who knocks. He will pull anime characters faster than he will finish a league of legends game.

What's that you said? Your discord moderator hasn't met his kitten? That's funny Jacob doesn't have kittens, only cats

Phos: "Hey babe, get off Arknights so we can have dinner"
Jacob Mathew: "No".

by CJ from Jumpstreet October 10, 2022

Jacob's Boyfriend

Jacob's boyfriend is hot

Jacob's boyfriend is hot

by not chris's dad March 8, 2022

Jacob Williams

guys Kavin is the killer, I saw him... Matt meet me in electrical...omg this is crazy, my secret editing account name is _________

Whats up youtube Kittito07 Gaming here with another video and my name is actually Jacob Williams

by useless_child October 25, 2020

Jacob Hurt

A guy who has a great personality, and is a great friend. A Jacob Hurt only rarely upsets you, or does anything to hurt you. He may occasionally be the life of the party, but he will always be there for you.

Jacob Hurt: Hey fag
Me: Oh, I gotcha
Jacob Hurt: Whatever
Me: You're such a Jacob Hurt

by Trestone October 25, 2016

jacob kasik

Sexy beavers are his best friend.He is a closeted raging Homosexual. His temper is as long as his you-know-what. Creamy Kasik is the Creamiest person you will ever find.Selling art by the pound.Also might have a secret girlfriend.

Jacob kasik is a menace to the art world

by jl;fSKj;dsalkfjads;lfjasdl;134 October 7, 2022