Source Code

Bruce Le

Bruce Lee imitator.

Akinator was defeated by Bruce Le

by JibbaFengga August 30, 2021

Le Taki Taki

Le Taki Taki occurs very often. It is when Someone acts or say something that is either very dumb,stupid and if it dosen't make sense. And if someone says it to you they are either trying to say dont be a dumb or stupid person or act very dumb because they are protecting you from it.

But for a joke it could mean someone lowers their body and scream and make weird sound, and they would be slapping their thigh this is because they may have become addicted to the taki's chips or they are very lonely and want attention by dancing.

Ex 1: "Dad: Son what is Target ." Son: Wtf dad Le Taki Taki it's a common thing."

by Manu_theNerd April 30, 2020




by ZAID_SPIDER15900 February 15, 2025

Le Coop

Name for Gin and Fanta. A distinguished drink only for sigma males. Named after the first man to order this drink, Cooper "Le Coop" Brackett.

Hey bartender can I get a Le Coop?

by ClutchMasterB December 30, 2023

Yen Thao le

A beautiful girl inside and out. She may seem mean or shy on the outside but once you get close you’ll see how amazing she is 10/10 don’t ever let this girl go

Yen Thao le is fucking gorgeous

by Dozzzingintotheworld November 22, 2021

1👍 1👎

Le Potat Grande Capaccino

The potat chris, called a big baka by wabbit. He booli s her a lot!

wabbit: @Le Potat Grande Capaccino meanie.

by thisisnotwabbit April 15, 2020

ohn le

The perfect guy. He is funny, sweet, talented and ridiculously hot. He looks older than he is, but when he can act like himself he's silly and adorable. He is an amazing boyfriend and kisser.

That guy is so hot and funny, he must be a ohn le

by ohn le June 23, 2020