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chicken munching iron suck

While I'm KFC, you start to eat the door handle, and erotically moan very loudly, this then causes an up roar, and you start to take the door handle up the bum until it either hurts or you get pulled off. Now, you order your food and walk away like nothing happned.

I saw a Chicken Munching Iron Suck yesterday.

by OzzyOddBalls November 21, 2016

grave munching

When a few guys dig up a dead women at a grave yard late at night, they all rape her one by one. one of the men puts there mouth around her vagina well another man jumps on the dead woman’s stomach , all the sperm and left over flesh gets shot into the man’s mouth and he swallows it.

Hey man, wanna go grave munching?

by xxpassionfacts December 3, 2021


The act of biting someone's dick off (Usually when there ejaculating) and proceeding to eat.

I went Munching with dan and his friends

by manihateusernames April 5, 2024

loaf munch

Something you call someone when you're mad.

"Zac stop being such a loaf munch."

by abby412 April 16, 2014

quick munch

A quick munch is something somebody eats like a snack however some people’s quick munches are larger than the typical person due to their larger appetite

I’ll be there in five minutes I’ve just got to have my quick munch first

by December 21, 2023

Quick munch

A quick munch is a small meal. The small meal usually takes around five minutes to consume. Some people’s quick munch may be larger than others but that’s just because their appetite is larger as are they.

I’ll be there in five minutes I must finish my quick munch first!

by E. Hamburger December 21, 2023

bug munching savages

Name given by peacekeepers to the participants in the yugoslav civil war in the ninties.

Those freakin Serbs/Croats/Bosnians who commited murders during the war are a bunch of bug munching savages.

by dr March 10, 2006