Source Code

ear rape

whenever you are talking on the phone with someone and all of a sudden you hear a noise or bad feedback from the other line.
Or even if the person you're talking to you has an unpleasant voice or singing voice.

"OUCH! What was that?!
Oh sorry. I just ear raped you."

by terra3476283739 May 16, 2010

46๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

ocular rape

1. when someone, usually a person, although pop-up ads qualify, forces you to see something that you don't want to see.

2. when you go to look at a website or image and the overwhelming sense of horrible design and/or absolute lack of morals behind its creation, makes you reel in terror that your eyes had to go through that trauma.

1. AHH! the ocular rape is unbearable, please close the window! No more goatse!

2. No more bible code websites. please. the ocular rape generated by that format is making me tear.

by maxzilla March 20, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

statuary rape

Engaging in non-consensual sexual interaction with inanimate objects, usually a statue.

Mark: "Dude, I totally just fondled the Lincoln Memorial!"
Chris: "Did he consent to it?"
Mark: "Of course not, he can't particularly object."
Chris: "Bro, you just committed statuary rape!"

by HRH CTMC December 4, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Statutory Rape

The act of an adult (18+), having consensual sex with someone under the age of 18 (varies from state to state, at least from 16-18), but due to state law, the minor cannot legally consent, so the adult gets fucked over for nothing even though no actual rape took place.

Even though my girlfriend is 16 and I'm 18 and she consented to us having sex, I was charged with statutory rape because her parents can't handle the fact that their daughter is a teenager with hormones and decided to try and send me to jail.

by Lateralusmaster May 27, 2011

106๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baby rape

Baby rape is a woman engaging in sex for the purpose of becoming pregnant regardless of the wishes of her partner. Commonly this involves sabotaged condoms or lying about being on the pill. This can also involve a woman physically holding a man who wants to pull out until he ejaculates.

Places with high incidents of baby rape include military bases, south central Los Angeles, and rural high schools. It should also be noted baby rape is more likely when the male is more fiscally secure or more likely to move to a large town than other male residents. Hence American males are prone to baby rape in places like Russia, Jamaica, and south east Asia. This also holds true for urban males in rural areas of America and increases the odds the perpetrator is jailbait.

Jack: I'm gonna cum
Jack: I said I'm gonna cum I need to pull out
Jack: Damnit Jill let me pull out!
Jack: Unnnnh!
Jack: Did you just baby rape me?
Jill: Damn right I did I want to have a baby!
Jack: I thought we agreed not to have a baby until we buy a house.
Jill: You agreed but I want a baby now.

by Popov of the gods October 7, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get raped

In other words, you have been owned.

When an apponent has raped you, s/he will say this, sometiems in capital; GET RAPED1!!

The player may call you bad, and tell you to go get raped.

Player 1 jumps out window head shotting player 2, then seconds later bashes player 3, then exclaims "GET RAPED, noobs!"

"Your bad, Get raped, kid."

by Kevin!!1 November 9, 2006

148๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

lunch rape

When someone forcibly goes to lunch with someone else against their consent.

Trent lunch raped Austin the other day. Austin told Trent to get out of his car, but ended up taking him to lunch anyways.

by Austin Bloomz Scabby Chode March 7, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž