When a neighbor mows his lawn to shame the lawn that you didn't mow.
We should mow the lawn after pat's shame mowing
If you’ve ever been to Ada, Michigan I’m sure you’ve heard of the Dirty Shame. This small watering hole is located just outside of downtown Ada off Fulton. In the Shame time cease to exist, it may be 2 am or 2 pm and the same group of locals are still there drinking $2 beers and $3 wells. The Shame has stood the test of time, being founded in the late 1840s this place is inflation proof. When Dorothy said there’s no place like home she was talking about Kansas, when I say there’s no place like home I’m talking about the Dirty Shame.
Is it already 3 pm? Well let’s go grab a beer at the Dirty Shame!
Tonight I’m feeling shameful, I can’t wait for the Dirty Shame
1. When you severely criticize one’s set of negative habits, traits and emotions solely based on their Star (Astrological) Sign.
2. When a celebrity is being shamed over past wrongdoings.
1. I’ll never get along with Virgos because they’re too hard to get along with.
Be careful, it’s not nice to go Star Shaming out in public .
2. That Celebrity is Star Shaming other Celebrities for their past racist posts against minorities after they stated that they support and stand by them.
That’s upsetting but not that much so it’s a wee shame
“His maws deed”
“Aww that’s a wee shame”
When a group of friends come together and shove a stick up Someones ass who has wronged the group or someone in the group
Especially from a football standpoint
Yoo the group is shoving the stick of shame in Ryan’s ass tomorrow
To make a disparaging or unflattering statement about an entire country or its people, either due to malice or insensitivity. What's important is the context in which the statement is said and the person's motive for saying it rather than whether it is true or not. A journalist could state that country X is the poorest in the region or has a high level of crime out of an earnest desire to inform the audience, but he/she may also have the desire to tarnish the image of the said country due to their own biases. Other more clear examples of country shaming include referring to countries as "sh*tholes", saying things like "your country doesn't matter" or "nobody ever goes there", and bringing up unflattering statistics about a country to mock someone.
Telling someone their country is poor and insignificant is a form of country shaming.
Leaving someone's house the morning after while carrying a slow cooker full of yesterday's chili.
We had a wonderful night after the Super Bowl and he did the Crock of Shame in the morning