Source Code

barnyard word

a foul, profrane, or vulgar term associated with the place where the animals muck about on a farm.

Fuck, Shit, Cunt, Cock, and Blowjob all qualify as barnyard words.

by T-Dog Jenkins July 14, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Microsoft Word

write letterz n' shit, yo!

no example is needed, dude

by Link January 17, 2005

337๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Word Alive

The Word Alive is a badass band that has 6 members; Tyler "Telle" Smith, Nick Urlacher, Tony P., Tony A, Dusty, and Zack Hansen. The Word Alive used to be the side project of Craig Mabbit (Former Blessthefall vocalist, current Escape the Fate vocalist). Mabbitt was kicked out due to The Word Alive wanting to be signed to Fearless Records and Mabbit already being signed to Epitaph records. The Word Alive has a EP out now called "Empire". One of the greatest metal bands with Dusty doing amazing synth boarding.

The Word Alive is brutal as shit

by NickSaucey October 5, 2009

99๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swear Words

All over Urban Dictionary

Swear words everywhere

by 2020 is Satan March 29, 2020

64๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Word glue

1. Any word or phrase that is repeated consecutively in music more than once to hold an otherwise substanceless song together. Not to be confused with repeated choruses or lyrics in fade out. Most easily recognizable in the hip-hop genre.

2. Any word that is rhymed with itself as part of a lyric.

Rihanna's 'Rude Boy' is almost exclusively composed of word glue (61%). Only 161 words out of the 538 word song are considered to be free of word glue.

"Come here, rude boy, boy..."
"Come here rude boy, boy..."
"...Take it, take it, baby, baby, take it, take it, love me, love me..."

Another distilled example by the same artist:

"...under my umberella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh;
under my umberella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh;
under my umberella, ella, ella, eh eh eh;
under my umberella, ella, ella, eh eh eh eh eh..."

In comparison "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies is composed of 0% word glue.

by landfeesh April 24, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

The L Word

1. Another reason(other then Queer as Folk) for homosexauls and bisexuals to watch Showtime.

2. An excuse to stare at Katherine Moening.

3. A good show that sometimes can get pornographic and has a few to many main characters (like 9).

4. A show that is often confused to be about straight women and love becuase of it's title other then lesbian and bisexual women.

"Everyone shows that Shane is the hottest one on The L Word."

by Lieske June 26, 2005

266๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

fighting words

words used to instigate physical combat

Man 1: Your mother is a cheap whore.
Man 2: Thems fighting words.

by Gabe Moon October 7, 2008

83๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž