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Mrs Hill

A true connoisseur of chilli sauce and cardial. Fan of punk rock (dude) and wearer of shorts and flip flops in arctic conditions. Hobbies include (pretending to) surf, hair bleaching, footy, fanny and food. Has been known to whitey on occasions after vast consumption of schmeed.

Mrs Hillllllllllllll, Yap, Surf's up Shill, Yap, One-Nil, Hillllllllllll, Yap, Yap, Mmmmmm Brett, Yap, MRS HILLLLLLLLL

"Shut the fuck up Hill"

by Basil Broosh February 15, 2006

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Hill People

Small minded and often religiously fundamentalist rednecks who are violently scared of new ideas.

They generally live in rural locations which lends to the amplification of a toxic sense of fear based conservativism and xenophobia.

The fear they have for new ideas, change, and people who look or act differently than themselves guides a highly predictable behavior of voting against their own interests in a fruitless attempt to "own the Libtards".

The Hill People have politically aligned themselves with the interests of billionaires because they have been spoon fed fear based lies about the "evils of socialism"

by Pleiades Nymph September 2, 2022

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Hank's Hill

A hill of or belonging to Hank.

All the child's ren climb up Hank's Hill

by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016

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Lafayette Hill

Rougher and Tougher than "Conshy"
Where the kids are scared to walk out of their house...

"Yo John you wanna go to Lafayette Hill?"
John-"Hell no lets go to conshy, it's safer there"

by CCizzle561498 March 20, 2009

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indian hill

rich, stuck up little fucks with nothing better on their mind than to show off with some ice or bling bling

man, fuck those indian hill ghosts, fuck them up their hole punch

by tracey barker, t bark May 29, 2003

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Kirtland Hills

1. Team of police who have nothing else to do but pull u over for no reason bec their is no crime in Kirtland their most famous excuse is "your back light is out"

2. Group of assholes who search your car for the hell of it

The Kirtland Hills police will take your freedom, your drugs, and your life

by Bigpete63999 September 16, 2007

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Hill people

A group of people usually found in Northern New Jersey that have no drive to accomplish their goals, have odd quirks due to being sheltered their entire lives, may be over the age of 18 but they act as if they are 13, generally extremely attractive, find it odd if you move out of your parents house before the age of 30, and act as if their social skills are amazing but are more socially inept than a 40 year old playing WOW in his mothers basement.

Hill people are hot idiots.

by not understanding January 2, 2014

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