1.if someone with a mc last name
(e.g. McDonald)owns someone.
other mc-owns words
3.mc-owns - some one with a mc last names nickname
1.you just got mc-owned
2. you gonna get some mc-owning
3. total mc-ownage!!!
4. whats going on mc-owns
There are only 2 genders, you can't be anything else. I don't care if you sexually identify as an Apache Helicopter it doesn't count.
"I don't fit in the two genders, I'm in a gender of my own"
"No you're not, you either have a dick or you have a pussy, there is no in between."
Become self-employed.
since I'm my own boss, my hours are flexible
Ancient African slang for "I'm a dissapointment".
I own a Wii U.
The art of female masturbation.
Victoria had come home from work to find the bed soaking.
"Mary, have you been weaving your own yoghurt again?"
means "i wanna fuck u"...when said silently from a distance looks like u are saying i wanna fuck you
one of the internet's favorite google autocomplete fuck-ups
Guy: Why can't I o...
Google: "Why can't I own a Canadian?"?
Guy: no what the fuck is wrong with you