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pulled a lezak

the act of saving a friend/colleague/fellow olympians ass by pulling off the textbook perfect save of a lifetime. Refers to the 2008 Beijing Olympics in which during the 4 x 100 meter freestyle relay the U.S.A. anchor Jason Lezak overtook his French competitor in epic fashion to win the gold for the US men and make Michael Phelps' 8 gold medals a reality.

Tom: "I am still in shock with how well that meeting went!"
Bob: "Tom, you nailed that presentation! Not only did you save our company from being bought out, but you convinced the investors to kick down another 100 million dollars! You totally pulled a Lezak in there!"

by sheelagh August 19, 2008

to pull a Manuel

To have gay sex.

Guy 1: Did you have fun at the gaybar last night?
Guy 2: Hell yeah, it was amaze balls. I met this cute guy and pulled a Manuel.

(to pull a Manuel)

by MissPoopyButthole October 6, 2015

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Pulling a Seb

To be a cock black, extra light-weight when drinking and to get hie off of 0.000000000001G

When y are you pulling a Seb?

by DizzyWhite December 9, 2009

pulled a Mandolesi

to screw up something, to fix something that is not broken and make it worse, lack of common sense, bad management...

He really pulled a Mandolesi when he "upgraded" our equipment and caused more problems than solved.

by the workers of ipsco tubulars September 27, 2007

Pull a Rand

When someone is in a Discord call engaging in a conversation with people, but they suddenly decide to mute their microphone and deafen and never return again.

Wait what, where did Simon go?
... I think he decided to pull a rand.

by ReesesPuffs1234 April 19, 2022

Pull a Leo

1.)To do something everyone doubted you'd ever be able to do (e.g. win an Oscar after multiple decades of failed attempts.)

2.)To give a handjob to anyone born from July 22nd - August 22nd

"I'd take my gilfriend to the party, but knowing her she'd probably pull a leo"

"You're right, she is pretty unpredictable"

by d.labe19 May 17, 2016

Pulling an Oracle

When a person, company or organization takes over something that people depend on, then totally screw it up so bad, or jack the price up ridiculously high, that it's now completely unusable and loads of people are just plain screwed. The perpetrator then gets off totally scott free, laughing in total glee at others misfortune. Usually used to destroy a competing service, company, technology, person, memory, holiday or other resource. Named for Oracle, Inc. after their acquisition of Sun Microsystems, and Oracle's subsequent destruction of the Java programming language and MySQL database system. But applicable to every day life by cool people as well as nerds. Because cool people are actually smart, not pathetic losers who revel in their own idiocy.

Say you're at a party and some dude grabs your beer then spits in it. "Want it back now?" he says. That's Pulling an Oracle.

Or, say your best buddy had sex with your girlfriend. You can't sleep with her ever again - not after he's been playin' around in that! He just pulled an Oracle.

Another example: say you have sex with a girl for the first time on Christmas eve. Like the dumbass you are, you fall head over heals for her. Then she goes and fucks every guy in sight and laughs her ass off at your subsequent state of total disarray. Now, every time you think of Christmas, you think of her - and all the pain she brought into your world. That's one masterful Pulling of an Oracle.

by TwistedMotherFucker December 10, 2010

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