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country queer

Would be totally queer if living in an urban city, but lives in the country and therefore cannot announce or us self unaware but exhibits style, patterns, and behaviors of being queer

B:”That evangelical home schooling mom is super cool, with that butched haircut if she lived in Minneapolis, I’d say she’d totally be queer.”
J: “it’s like she doesn’t even know it. She’s country queer.”

by Eeeky Beeky January 29, 2025

leap queer

A man who engages in homosexual coitus every once in a while on special occasions just as Leap Year only occurs every 4 years.

Dirk and Lewis are trying to get Joey in a 3-some, but he's usually straight. But given the right circumstance, he is a bit of a leap queer and he just might go with it.

by Fat_n_Happy February 12, 2015

Timothy Queer

A big headed attention whore

“You hear Timothy Queer’s music?”
“I thought he did art.”
“I thought he was a motive.”

by TimothyQueer11 December 16, 2024

Queer nationalism

The establishment of cultural customs, norms and identity based around the LGBT Community, LGBT Rights and queerness present in the greater national stage.

Not to be confused with Homonationalism.

Homonationalism is using LGBT Rights to justify a culture of injustice.
Queer nationalism is a culture born from LGBT Rights.
Don't confuse the two. Ever.

by The Logical Fallacy October 5, 2021

Questions Under Extreme Esoterical Leniency (Queer)

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Questions Under Extreme Esoterical Leniency (Queer).

by TheGravelOfAConundrum January 20, 2025

queer thot


Atasya is a queer thot

by Jonny is queer August 30, 2017

Queer ecology

The intersection between queer theory with our comprehension about ecological dynamics outside of the heteronormative perspective of how nature works (male and female as god intended...).

Hey Karen has gone woke, now she studies queer ecology

by manupiss October 13, 2023