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Harry stone

A wonderful indervidual who loves to help people in need.

Harry stone was a great help

by Duplicate124 October 27, 2019

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Stone Liver

Having the ability to put away massive quantities of alcoholic beverages.

"Damn, he's got a stone liver."
"Whadaya expect? He's Irish."

by Ox Jr. June 16, 2009

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Stone Love

A man with no hair who loves to have sex with small farm animals! (Mostly Sheep)

That bald man sure loves his animals, wait whats he doing with that sheep? Its like he's doing it Stone Love style!

by Donkey Cock October 29, 2008

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stone ocean

When the creators of a series (television/book/manga/etc ...) choose to end it in the most shocking, unrealistic, cliche, or random way possible. Usually the result of the writers' lack of foresight or ingenuity. It can be described as a "Deus Ex Machina" which, instead of arbitrarily moving the plot forward, ends the series entirely.

The phrase is derived from the "Stone Ocean" story arc of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure manga, where the antagonist literally destroys the universe. A similar universe is created, but no one there remembers anything about the previous universe and history changes dramatically.

While technically the manga's still called "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", the story's only remotely similar to the prior. Most fans were either traumatized or pissed-off. The manga's writer is believed by fans to have ended the previous plot line to remove it's creative constraints to do something different.

Person 1: "Did you see the finale of that old TV show 'Dinosaurs'"?

Person 2: "Yeah. What a stone ocean that was, 'eh?"

by ThePenguin227 December 6, 2016

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Cold Stone

When you shit like a beast till day break

i was cold stoneing all night i drank x-lax

by Superdeluxe April 7, 2007

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stone pimp

verb, meaning a hardcore dude with lots of girls.

check him out he's (a)stonepimp, eatin with all those girls

by ryan January 26, 2005

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Stone Waller

This is the passive-aggressive stance many people take during a fight. It's the "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine!" said even when there is clearly something wrong. After all, you didn't used to give short answers to your partner's questions or purse your lips all the time, did you?

John: I was drunk! I didn't mean to kiss her at that party. You're not mad, right?

Jane (stone waller): Sure. I understand.

by Charlotte Dennings July 22, 2011

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