One Piece (ワンピース, Wan Pīsu?) is an animated series based on the manga of the same name, produced by Toei Animation and broadcasted by Fuji Television. Premiering in October 1999, it has currently aired over 1000 episodes (along with 14 theatrical films and many more TV specials and OVAs), and been exported to more than thirty nations worldwide.
Enter Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy that defies one's standard definition of a pirate. Rather than the popular persona of a wicked, hardened, toothless pirate who ransacks villages for fun, Luffy’s reason for being a pirate is one of pure wonder; the thought of an exciting adventure and meeting new and intriguing people, along with finding One Piece, are his reasons of becoming a pirate. Following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Shanks, Luffy and his crew travel across the Grand Line, experiencing crazy adventures, unveiling dark mysteries and battling strong enemies, all in order to reach One Piece!
I love One Piece ! I Read One Piece ! (Manga) I watch One Piece !
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A person who is a bit of a nob!
Tom is a nice bloke but that mate of his is a bit of a chod piece!
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When you catch someone looking at your penis while your urinating.
"Hey man, wtf why were you piece watching?"
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To aggressively have sex with a woman.
Hey Mike did you get a piece run in last night?
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When somebody is either disappointed or amazed at something. Another way of saying shit.
The huskers lost in OT today.. Shast piece.
I just ate 10 hot dogs for lunch today.. Shast piece
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End Piece is the person on the end of a multiple person cuddle. Requires 3 or more participants where the people on the middle are middle pieces and the ones on the end are end pieces.
Later night was awesome, I was the End Piece in a cuddle session with Kate, KC and Sarah.
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