Ordering an uber from a nearby restaurant and seeing if you can jerk off before it arrives.
"I see Uber is now in our area"
"Yeah dude a tried an Uber Run last night"
To be conveniently engaged in doing something of grave importance at the moment when another duty calls, so that you have the perfect excuse not to deal with the latter duty. Especially pertinent when dealing with the latter duty may well lead to loss of face/humiliation/failure on your part, but also when the latter duty is merely something that for whatever reason you just do not want to have to deal with.
When one is 'on the bomb-run' they have a totally legitimate excuse.
The phrase relates to the scene in the WWII film Memphis Belle when the pilot’s flask of tomato soup explodes during a flak attack and splatters its contents all over the pilot, the co-pilot and the surrounding cockpit. Mistaking the tomato soup for blood, the duo and top turret gunner are convinced that someone has been hit, so they call the bombardier up to check them out, as they all believe him to be a medical doctor. However, the bombardier has been over exaggerating as he actually only attended two weeks of medical school prior to enlisting, therefore having to deal with any casualties would immediately highlight his incompetence as a medic and loss of face/humiliation would ensue. Thus, the bombardier replies nervously and dismissively ‘Hey, I’m on the bomb-run!’ He is indeed on the bomb-run and therefore has the perfect excuse not to go up-front and play doctor.
1) Guy A: ‘Hey, dude. Can you demonstrate your 1000 consecutive push-ups with perfect form now?’
Dude (trying to finish his assignment for tomorrow, pointing at the pile of papers and text books surrounding him): ‘Hey, I’m on the bomb-run!’
2) Guy A: ‘Hey, dude. There’s that celtic princess. Go tell her how you feel, man!’
Dude (dashing to submit that assignment, deadline in 2 minutes): ‘Hey, I’m on the bomb-run!’
3) Guy A: ‘Hey, dude. The Jehovah’s witnesses are at the door. Can you get it?’
Dude (pulls fully-loaded 6’x6’ bookshelf over on top of himself and lies underneath, desperately trying to prevent the immense weight from crushing him): ‘Hey, I’m on the bomb-run!’
The act of masturbating over an extended period of time, usually an hour, in which you simulate multiple sexual positions to increase your stamina.
Carter hadn't slept with anyone in a while, so when he though he might get lucky, he did a training run to get himself ready.
The act of taking a leak (urinating) then not washing your hands and just leaving.
Mostly performed by people in airports who are in a hurry to catch a flight. Or those who are just to lazy to wash their hands.
(Both men and women can perform a Leak & Run)
Dude #1: Dude, that guy jus took a piss and didn't wash his hands.
Dude #2: Man, that's nasty, he jus did a leak & run.
Dude #1: Must've been late to his flight.
The continual oozing of fecal matter after a bowel movement. Often leaves an oily residue in ones under garments.
The results of an overly relaxed or impaired sphincter.
Dr. Gus had engine run on so may patient complaints were filed about having been on the receiving end of the stench.
A form of stealing where one bust your window open and takes all bags and valuables in sight. More popular around holiday seasons, such as Hannakuh and Christmas
"Christmas Eve"
Announcer:"Shoppers, please hide all valuable items and shopping bags, to prevent bust and runs."
Shopper:"What's a bust and run?"
2nd Shopper:"When someone busts your car window open and takes everything in sight."