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An unattractive but sexually available woman, inhabiting low-rent bars and pubs. A sad, misguided individual seeking some sort of meaningful relationship through easy sexual encounters with the sleazy characters found in said dives.

Most often seen around Welfare Cheque Time.
To be avoided as much as possible; they can be flighty and dangerously unstable.

OK, I know you're drunk. If I see you trying to pick up that War-donut, I'm dragging you out of here by your hair!

by longrider700 March 4, 2015

diaspora wars

skuffles of hatred and culture clash between different members of a diaspora. (ie: Black Americans vs Black British etc etc)

It is rooted in xenophobia and ignorance.

Fuck diaspora wars.

by foundationalBlackAmerican January 30, 2022

wyoming war

wyoming war is fictional and it was created by my cousin. we like to play strategy games a lot and one time we declared war on the united states and invaded it from the north and east and west after the war we decided the name should be wyoming war

yo remember the wyoming war?
no what is that?
its a fictional war

by tianmenguy May 21, 2022

war of the roses

a major civil war in england between the house of lancaster, the house of york and the house of tudor

The war of the roses is what happens when game of thrones and history mix

by German Empire August 12, 2021

boy of war

Boy that looks and is badass. He doesn't let anything get him down and if he gets knocked down in life, he learns from it and then gets back into the fight. Lives, breathes and eats war in every domain. Other guys get intimidated by him easily and girls just gasp into a daydream upon glancing at him.

Wow, that dude there is a total boy of war.

by Prince1399 September 8, 2018

Star Wars

Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Iniative, a planned system during the cold war to prevent a nuclear attack on the United States. The system would have the ability to destroy a missle in the air before it hits Earth. That may sound good, but this program is a huge waste of money, especially after the cold war is over. Clinton made a choice to stop the system, but unfortunately Bush decided that it was necessary to make a few thousand Americans starve at the expense of a useless missle system that would be made even more useless if Bush stayed out of Iraq and ended the "war on terror" (aka War for Oil.)

A big waste of taxpayer's dollars.

by I_Start_Now May 17, 2005

74๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

hogs of war

the best game ever made bar none could play it for hours every body needs to own this game its briliance can not be described only experienced

TIP: on the very hard last level jetpack your first pig on to the pillbox kill the pig who jumps out then the commandoes don't drop!!

by Rosco Pico November 30, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž