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Uncle face

A biological woman who has the unfortunate appearance/countenance of her father's brother.

You have an extreme case of "uncle face."

by Piano79 March 29, 2023

Resting meth face

A person with obvious caters and decay in their face and teeth. They’ve clearly had a long term relationship with methadone or heroin. They are past the point of no return.

I feel so bad for that woman that just walked by she had resting meth face

by Tittytata April 2, 2020

Loser Face

1. Describing a loved one when being annoying in a cute way.

2. Also used by little chikdren as insults

Stop tickeling me you Loser Face!

by Ilcapo April 10, 2015

Resting Kanye Face

Resting Kanye Face (RKF) Is when you have the same resting face as Kanye West.

Also known as Resting Bitch Face (RBF)

Y'know that bitch Sandy? She got that Resting Kanye Face

by soap47 April 25, 2024

chew your face off

get fucked and smoke weed

lets chew your face off tonight boys

by ireallyreallydontknowwhatimdoi June 13, 2014


Someone who does not not know how to spell “Straight”.

Person 1 typing: Ooh, he said that with a strait face.

Person 2 observing: Person 1 is a strait-not-face.

by Khourschet March 4, 2021

Pizza faced

When you eat so much pizza your belly button grows a smiley face

A well done extra large pepperoni pizza and your pizza faced?

by Cody5050 February 13, 2022