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Gay is when 2 guys is in love.

Synonyms Jonas, Ravn, Malthe and Marvin.

Hes so gay.

by The wholesome man October 28, 2019


Every 'straight' man on Earth. That obsession with Ryan Reynolds isn't normal!! IF YOU HATE GAY PEOPEL THEN WHY FIND A MAN ATTRACTIVE?!

Billy is a gay.

You: Hey dad, who's your favorite famous person?
Your Dad: Ryan Reynolds. He's just mega hot so hot big daddy kind of hot! I would leave your mother if he ever came to our house and asked me to run away with him
You: Dad wtf? Are you..... gay?
Your Dad: No. I hate the gays *rolls eyes*

by C0mDump$t3r January 10, 2022


1. Phrase that indicates relationship of subject to homosexual culture.

2. Phrase to indicate disdain or contempt by association, related to racist epithets; insult; offensive.

- That muscle shirt is so gay.
- Ugh. Your socks are so gay.

by naomi111 April 25, 2018


My Chemical Romance. My. Chemical. Fucking. Romance.

Person 1: MCR is so fucking gay. Except for the guitarist.
Person 2: Which one?
Person 1: Ray Toro is the only straight dude in MCR.
Person 2: Nah, he is definitely fruity.

by LetsAssumeIts3am July 16, 2021


An alibi used to stop feelings for someone you like

girl 1: I'm gay!
girl 2: No you're not. You like them

by thegreatk May 12, 2021


A friend who males plans with You but ditches You for a gut called LP.

Helge Is so gay, i want to kull myself

by Bunibu December 22, 2019


Your Mom

U mom gay

by Mizzizoe March 18, 2018