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Walmart Age Structured Population

There are at least two ways to define Age Structured Populations, and there are at least two ways to define The Walmart. Or you could be nice and talk to somebody, like a good Walmartian.

Do I Taylor situationally re. my Walmart Age Structured Population or may I ask a Population, or so, a Size?. .

by ElevenChooseThreePenguino March 3, 2023


Ageli is another way to say The Ultimate Danganronpa Fan

Oh my god! An Ageli!

by Kimoto68 June 26, 2020

The Artisan Age of YouTube

Also known as the pre-influencer age of YouTube.

An umbrella term for both the Golden age (2005-2009) and Silver age (2010-2013) of YouTube.

When the only drama on YouTube was either family based, (I.e. Onision) openly staged for the audience entertainment (The Angry Video Game Nerd Vs. The Nostalgia Critic) or limited to one type of site (The 2008/9 Boxxy civil war on 4chan)

The time when creativity ruled, when Jenna Marbles, Nigahiga, Ray William Johnson, James Rolfe, Jacksfilms, Freddie Wong and Co., Fred, Shane Dawson and several others were around.

One million views on a view was considered the pinnacle of internet success.

Memes were more fun and the people who created them were often made famous by accident and had the creativity to make characters based on those memes (Overly attached Girlfriend)

The period started at the inception of YouTube (or arguably a year after) and ended when Video Game High School (made by Rocketjump, Freddie Wong's production company) released its last episode in 2014.

James: remember YTP videos?

John: yet that was the artisan age of youtube. Real artists who made cool stuff for fun and their audiences. I miss those times

James: yeh dude, simpler times. All we have today are influencers giving money while having it recorded for clout. Zero creativity now.

by Xynotha January 11, 2024

stone age parenting

When your parents take all of your electronic shit as punishment.

Little Billy keeps getting D's on his report card. It looks like it's time for some stone age parenting.

by Shit paper March 15, 2019

Post information age

If some are calling these days the most information ate, and journalists are the ones keeping people informed, that means at least some are the journalists are giving people bullshit instead of good information.

At least some of the journalists are keeping people misinformed, and not informed, if there is any truth to post information age.

by Solid Mantis January 12, 2021

Genetic Age

the next advancement of the information age. The Genetic age is when biology and chemistry advances beyond science it involves cloning and new treatment by genetics. This age started in 2003

Genetic Age, cloning, Nanotechnology, protein manipulation, stem cells etc

by Brian Medland December 30, 2009

tender age shelter

A euphemism for a concentration camp for children.

The Trump Administration claimed they were placing children separated from their parents into 'tender age shelters', but everyone knew they really were placing them in concentration camps.

by PainfulTruths June 20, 2018