An exhortation that, taken at face value, is actually good advice, except that when people tell you to do it, they don't ACTUALLY mean "Think for yourself", they mean "Reject mainstream news sources, and trust fringe, loony ones". On the rare occasion that they don't mean this, they still mean "Think for yourself, and agree with me!" At no time, when anybody ever tells you to think for yourself, does the thought ever cross their mind that you could possibly think for yourself, and reach a different conclusion from the one that they reached, or one that is even opposite to the one that they reached.
"Vaccines are poison, and chemtrails are causing birth defects! Think for yourself, watch this poorly-researched YouTube video, and you will agree with me!"
the act of shoving your self in a ox through its anal passage
lexi you should go Ox-yourself
do it to yourself- peeling a carrot beating meat like it owe you money
been doing it to myself since 97
Rodger was mad about his girl fronting so he just did it to himself and busted in her shampoo
Harry did it to himself and was caught by his sister she screamed and told him he was going to hell.
A very popular and heavily memed quote from controversial influencer "LowTierGod", where he tells someone to commit suicide.
"your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose, you should kill yourself, NOW!" -LowTierGod
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when you clone yourself and your clones clone themselves and their clones clone themselves until nobody knows who the original was and you end up murdering each other and you'll never know if you were the original one so you end up with huge trauma for the rest of your life
"poor guy. i think he twiced himself when he was younger. you know, to twice yourself?"
you should kill yousrelf is a move normaly used in the mma the person smacks the shit out of your head with his dick then lets you suck it until you cum living in hell for the rest of your life john cena and the rock are invinsible for this move because they are gay
and john cena says you should kill yourself and gets sucked of