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A beautiful girl with really nice hair. She is funny and has an optimistic personality. She loves to laugh even to herself.

Wow, Cameron, laughing again?

by anonymousCman October 19, 2020


He is very in love with a girl named Carly or Jennie and always is aggressively having sex the whole night and loves chocolate milk and has brown or red brown hair

Carly or Jennie: didn’t you love last night?
Cameron:ohh I loved it
sex Cameron Carly

by Mochacoca December 15, 2017


An incredibly loyal and caring person with adorably messy hair. He's a ray of light. He's so smart and he's so good at what he loves- but he stresses out easily and he's sensitive. He doesn't trust easily...but if he does, it's great. If you have a Cameron in your life, hold onto him. He needs to believe in himself more, and I know that one day he's going to realise that he's an incredible human being and that he doesn't need to date that girl in order to be happy- happiness is something you create for yourself, and she just wants him to be happy. One day Cameron is going to meet someone who values him more than she ever did- but more importantly than that, he's going to love himself.

Cameron never knew but he was always at the top of that list.
Cameron should believe in himself more.

by Yappi December 29, 2025


When you are off your meds but managing.

Man im off of my meds but ill manage, feel like a cameron!

by Suckykind March 21, 2022


A very kind and nice friend with a sweet personality and a person to hole with. But dont let that fool you cause she does have a resting bitch face and very bad anger issues.she is also very single and very lonely.and has a skinny ass and looks like a twig.


by Hello there stranger June 21, 2019


A Cameron is a femboy at heart. he is the most lesbian male you will ever meet. And he is more awesome then his titties. He a T H I C C B U S S E Y. all of the 6 yo girls cant resist cameron.

That guy is a cameron
IK he looks like one

by Heroin Keith June 20, 2022


Cameron is the smartest, and sweetest guy you will ever meet. he loves his friends like they are his family. Every moment you spend with him he treats it like its his last with you. He hates it when people cuss and inappropriate jokes. He is very picky with the person he chooses to be his queen

"wow! Cameron is so sweet!"
"Cameron is sooo easy to get along with!"
"Don't tell that joke to Cameron! he hates inappropriate jokes."

by asodjhwauf March 2, 2020