Source Code

Canadian Dodgeball

A dodgeball move very common in Canada but almost unheard of in other parts of the world. It consists of one teammate throwing a lob ball up into the air. While the opponent has his hands in the air to catch the ball another teammate grabs the opponents ball. He then begins to suck the opponents balls. The opponent falls over in surprise and is left open to be attacked as he lies on the ground.

I was playing a intense game of dodgeball in Vancouver last night. I was the last one left and thought I may have been able to make a comeback but then Northerlion pulled a Canadian Dodgeball on me and I didn't stand a chance.

by fraxinus April 14, 2015

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Canadian Snowbox

"Hotboxing" a snow fort

Dale: You know eh? we should go and sesh in the Canadian Snowbox
Doug:Sure eh, lets get super high

by Chromes February 2, 2011

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canadian volcano

The act of inserting maple syrup in the girls vagina and then having intercourse. Once the girl climaxes, the maple syrup and cum mix to form volcanic like liquids. It is quite popular in mountainous regions of Canada.

Earl: Dude last night Cara had an intense canadian volcano.

Peter: I bet it wasn't as big as the eruption Maria had a few nights ago.

by shelberry12 September 17, 2010

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Indigenous Canadians


Indigenous Canadians are inferior. thats why they lost

by basedChase September 9, 2022

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Canadian Shower

A Canadian shower is when, after having made a bowel movement, a shower is required because you're too dumb of a Canadian to wipe properly.

The added time required to take a Canadian shower usually results in missing an invitation to a fun or exciting event.

Man, sorry I missed your call, I was taking a Canadian shower... You know how that goes.

by Dirkachbar February 4, 2011

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canadian crank

while engaging in vigarous intercourse the male stretches out the females pussy lips to the extent where he can tie them into a knot

as i was pounding her on the table her pussy lips became so loose that i actually was able to perform the good ol' CANADIAN CRANK.........OUCH.......POOR GIRL!

by jack mehofV August 22, 2006

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Canadian Pride

The having of all or most STD's at once.

Man, that Fuck Skull'll get you some Canadian Pride if you aint careful son!

by Ameran00 October 12, 2010

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