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cold wife

Used to describe a female significant other of an individual who they are not married to, although their relationship is extremely similar to that of a marriage.

A cold marriage is used to describe the couple itself; cold marriages are often between two people who are living together, may have children, and entirely joint expenses and lifestyles without any legal marriage ever taking place. This may be legally and formally be referred to as "common law marriage".

"Chelsea had her health coverage from her job change from Blue Cross to Aetna."
"She doesn't get your coverage?"
"Nah man, that's my cold wife."

by Ciggy5 October 4, 2019

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Cold Masturbation

You use a masturbator, hand, dildo, etc. that you or someone intentionally make the thing your masturbating with extremely cold. Then you masturbate with it, typically giving a orgasmic shivering nut.

Cold Masturbation is the best kind of masturbation!!!

by TioKilo December 3, 2018

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Cold fronting

Acting distant AF when all you want to do is be close to someone. But it is the right thing to do. Even if it feels wrong.

Pam: Hey! It’s been a minute. Do you wanna hang out?

Jim: I can’t. I don’t have time.

Pam: I need a sweater cus you’re straight up cold fronting.

by CallMeMaybe3435 June 9, 2021

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Cold Waffle

A dead woman's vagina.

Sherman and Mike tag teamed and destroyed that cold waffle, it's a shame she couldn't moan since she was dead.

by Spermin Sherman March 8, 2014

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cold pressed

Cold pressed juices are hip and happening in any area with a sodasopa. These expensive non pasteurized bottles of mixed fruits and vegetables are often consumed by those doing a 'cleanse' and are locally sourced, organic and basically better than you.

yo bro, this juice is half your size. It's cold pressed. So I'm jacked.

by Cold Pressed April 9, 2016

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cold steven

A handjob with a handful of fresh powder snow.

Jesus I'm gonna need a re-heater Peter after this cold steven.

by freezin stevin February 7, 2010

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Cold Sausage

when a guy is not with the actions/ with the shit

Amy: "Yo Tyler you wanna come over and drink beer?"
Tyler: "Nah I gotta go home and do my homework."
Amy: "Man he's a cold sausage."

by Congregation September 27, 2017

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