A shared narrative of victimhood that seeks to subvert and replace old traditions, cultures, and institutions to uplift the victims. Usually leads to a formation of a new moral in-group for activist movements and reparations.
The descriptive version of the Red Pill regarding male and female nature is often confused with the prescriptive versions of the Red Pill and its movements as well as its grievance cultures.
Leaving class or another activity to hit your vape in the bathroom
Billy: I think it’s time for a cultural refresh
Joe: I agree, meet me in the men’s room
To hate vegetables immensly for personal or no reason at all but still eat or use them in ways in daily life.
"this broccoli is shit, I hate fucking eating it, I hate eating all vegetables"
"dude, thats some serious aggro-culture"
Relationships are a over before they begin literally 84% of the time and your religion is dogshit.
Hym "Hookup culture is literally just women fucking all of the fat cocks. No relationships. There can be no relationships. There is no relating to them."
an extreme fixation on ones or anothers culture
Girl1(Fully white):I-i-i just wanna be asian so bad
Girl2:Ewwww she's using culture fetishization
Kozy Culture is a term used to describe a lifestyle that is focused on comfort, relaxation, and self-care. It is characterized by activities such as taking long baths, reading, spending time outdoors, and engaging in creative pursuits. It is also associated with minimalism, sustainability, and simplicity. In much simpler terms, a kick-ass brand with sweet deals, original products, and a badass community behind it!
I can't believe I spent my kid's entire college tuition fund on KOZY Culture items.
As opposed to social eater or hunger eater, a person who enjoys more of the cultural elements of a type of food, cuisine, or dining place, eating habit etc etc. A culture eater is usually a savvy vicarious learner, who emulates an observed bahior of eating, by doing which he derives pleasure and satisfaction from the very act of eating in this particular way, instead of from the food itself. The culture eater takes the eating experience to a new level.
A culture eater watched a Bear Gryll wild survival documentary, and he rushed to his backyard tries to dig out bug larva.
A guy dresses up like a 19th century English gentleman and perambulate into a traditional posh restaurant, and dines like a 19th cent gentleman, although the food hardly filled him up nor he liked any of the food in particular.
A guy travels to Vietnam and eats insects on a stick for a week, even though he knows he will be malnutritioned or even sick.