GUY 1: yo why you so dripped out, like sheeeesh
ME: i got the supreme jacket lookin drippy i know, max drip
- aye homie nice drip. Can I drip on you :). -no -yes -no -yes -ok fine homie - *sucks feet* -damn, -what? -you got mad drip ma g
When the Greek God Uranus fought Chronos his genitals were dismembered by Chronos. The genitals, and their associated ejaculate were dropped by Chronos into the waters of Pathos near the island of Cyprus creating the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite being the Greek Goddess of passion, and beauty.
As a result, most historians agree that "Drip's" origin must be a reference to Aphrodite's creation by means of a "Drip" of severed genital ejaculate. Thus a fellow persons "Drip", references their dress style, jewelry, and objects enhancing their "beauty, and passion."
Look at Tim's new diamond studded Nikes. That's some nice drip. (AKA -That's some nice "Cum-drop-Goddess rooted apparel."
A word originally meaning when something (usually a fluid) falls from a greater portion of itself in a small quantity, changed by retarded individuals who have limited vocabulary to mean something is fancy.
(Original usage) “Your mother has my semen dripping from her face” (ghetto usage) “My teeth drippin”.
If you want to know what drip loooks like search Bustabreezie on TikTok
This is a TikToker that has a certain style of clothing that people see as “cool” , “swag” or “drip”
“Check out this bustabreezie’s new TikTok”
“This dude is sooo drip”