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family photo

Slang for make a holiday themed adult film with immediate peers

You hear about Jon? He got his entire graduation to make a family photo

by SheerAgony December 19, 2016

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Family zone

When u want to wife someone

Bhavun family zoned Lili the other day

They are now married

by Downtown bridge June 14, 2022

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Hughes Family

A family of squeaky dwarfs that doesn’t know what to do with their life, it becomes very frustrating for them when it comes to paying bills due to their shitty jobs

Omg the Hughes family are on the doll

I expected that

by Jimmy joe February 19, 2019

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Family guy

Good show that declined in quality. (It’s a shame)

Bruh family guy seasons 1-6 (not including play it again Brian) was amazing.

by Futuramafan123 October 7, 2020

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Family Guy

A dumb series that copied off of the Simpsons. Family guy was named in 1999 when Simpsons was made in 1989 so Family guy sucks. And the dad in family guy has an obsession of eating, I RATHER U WATCH AMERICAN DAD OR BOB'S BURGERS!

hey guys Family Guy sucks. Wanna watch the simpsons? *crowd applauds*

by MemeNstuff June 20, 2019

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dustins family

A bunch of white cracker faggots that smell of communism and Donald trump

Dust is a faggot in Dustins family

by Cheese booty July 27, 2017

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Swiss Family Blobinson

A family group where all members are slightly to grossly obese.

As I was walking down the mall towards the Smithsonian, I was nearly trampled by a Swiss Family Blobinson

by ferricoxide July 7, 2011