Person 1: “Bug.”
Person 2 “What are you craving?”
Person 1: “Gender red.”
Person 2: “The fuck is gender red?”
Person 1 “Exactly how it sounds.”
The gender of your pubes
The male sex or the female sex or one from the range of other identities, not directly dependent on one’s biological sex, of your pubes.
The gender identity of your pubic hair (The hair that grows in the pubic region from puberty), or others pubic hair. This identity does not depend on one’s own biological sex nor their own identity. It is truly based on the identity of the pubes alone.
My pube gender is female and her name is gale
Gender truthphoria it's the truth about gender if you were born female you will always be she/her if you were born male you will always be he/him
if you have gender truthphoria you can not say David wearing a dress and a bow that wants to be a woman he will always be a he/him
Envyy has gender truthphoria with this illness she can not tell a lie
A manic state created by aligning one’s gender identity and expression.
Wearing a dress gives me gender mania
this term is used as an umbrella term to refer to people that aren’t in the category of men and women,
(i.e: transgender, non-binary, ect.)
plural form: people of the third gender
“i am not, a man, i am not a woman either, i might be a person of the third gender.”