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hitler did nothing wrong

The meaning of life because it was just a prank bro!

Hey Hitler did nothing wrong

by Hail Hydra March 28, 2016

178๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

hitler did nothing wrong

The truth, everyone knows it.

John: what did you get on the test
Jake: 100
Bill: thats a cap
Jake:hitler did nothing wrong

by RYAN YO DADDY November 10, 2019

116๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hitler did nothing wrong

Smart phrase

Ok i got one! Hitler did nothing wrong
Dude thats smart you could become a spokesperson!

by SushiTrash July 7, 2018

105๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heil Hitler Mustache

before wiping your ass taking some off and draw a hitler moustache on a young lady's uper lip

Last night i got really bored on the toilet, soo before i was done i called my girlfriend in and surprised her with a Heil Hitler Mustache...

by stephenog August 24, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

hitler has one ball

the rumor adolfs testicle was chopped off by his mother when he was small

adolf has only got one ball,
goring has two but very small,
himmler is rather sim'lar,
but poor old goebbels has no balls at all.

hitler has one ball is the suspicion that the dictator had well one ball

by hitlers one ball May 8, 2023

Calm down, Hitler

An phrase used to calmly and briefly demonstrate displeasure with someones radical statement. Alternatively, you could post it in an edited comment to make it seem that the comment was originally egregious.

Hitler: These stupid FUCKING BITCHES won't date me because they only like chad cock. I hope ALL WOMEN burn in fucking hell like the retarded pieces of shit they are. FUCKING FEMOIDS!!!

Not Hitler: Calm down, Hitler

by The Wamonger July 18, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Puerto Rican Hitler

When someone does a handstand over a weiner dog, the the other person fills an empty vodka bottle with mexican white sand, then lets it turn to glass like the bottle, then the bottle is smashed and stuck in the rear end of the person doing the handstand. The person with the bottle in their ass then proceedes to do superman push ups Until the dog gets irritated and runs away, causing an orgasm.

Why are you walking like that?

Because me and Skyler did a Puerto Rican Hitler last night!

by Perry Pancake July 15, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž