the sensation one experiences following a huge bong rip. oft,en accompanied by a furrowing of the brow, clenching of the teeth, and complete debilitation.
To be Indecisive.
Or unlikeable; selfish.
" Is that Vanessa? I heard she has a Brain of stone!" I heard too.
When a guy doesn’t see what is wrong with his actions, treats you like one of the boys, over thinks what small things are, thinks you want more than what you actually do, doesn’t understand how you feel and why you are feeling it because he doesn’t get those feelings, just does not get it, is really slow in constructing responses only to then respond to one thing and lots of other silly things like that. That’s what it means to have dude brain, you are a typical dude. Tends to break a lot of relationships, tends to also show up in guys who have never really had a relationship.
“Wow Ben really has a serious case of dude brain”
“Girl, don’t worry about it, he just has dude brain, he will grow out of it”
A person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
Her characteristics revealed she thought as a right-brained person.
Act in which an individual releases any bad feelings, traumas, events that marked his life in a bad way or other situations towards another person, usually friends or close people. Typically, brain dumping gets used to release anger, sadness, etcetera.
Person 1: Usually when things go to best to worse, I log on forums full of people I don't know and start brain dumping all over people that don't know me and make them my therapists.
Person 2: Fuck you saying.
A propagandist. Drawn from the Russian term pronounced (loosely) as "maz-guy-ope", a brain-fucker is one who tries to fool his(her) listeners with: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)
I don't listen to talk radio. Most off those guys are brain-fuckers.
Where your brain expels it's cells IQ Count so your particularly Retarded on a certain amount of time (seconds, minutes, etc)
He is struggling with his work, he has a Brain Nut for today
I had a Brain Nut for a few seconds.