#1 former jewel thief in the United States. Reformed former prisoner turned YouTuber, author, business owner, and family man. Living proof that a focus on rehabilitation in the criminal justice system is needed.
Have you read "Gangster's Redemption"? It's a newer book by Larry Lawton.
Use the maximum amount of words when less will do. Providing additional information such as links and videos to describe a very easy to understand circumstance.
Everyone knew what they meant, but then i pulled a Larry and made a whole goddam PowerPoint for it...
Where one has to drop a nasty plop within moments of exiting the shower, thus dirtying one's arse.
Ugh... Totally pulled a Larry this morning, now I just feel gross.
Undefinable, often seen with vuvuzela's and at Futbol matches
One who can't stand up when drunk without leaning on someone else
Dude look at leanin' Larry over there. No more shots for him.
The best shooter yall ever seen. He can beat everyone if he wants to. Has the most game outta all AND he gets the most and finest Bitches, if he wants to he can bag ur mom. Bleron,Eude,Hamza,Bilal,Daniel can't guard him, anis either. If u tryna spit game with a gyal and u have no rizz... aks larry for advice.
''ayo i can't talk with girls... lemme call larry Jordan.''
''Game on the line, u need a three for the game. Who you want to take the last shot? Curry or La- I WANT LARRY JORDAN!!!!!!?''
-Lmk if ur legs are fightin, I'll go between. -Larry Jordan''
Larry. Ok he is funny. And don't get on his bad side. Its h*ll
Larry Moody is ok