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Nuki penetration machine

The Nuki penetration machine has a machine used in Launch island to help the Queen Abby to scream

Nuki penetration machine made Abby Scream !!!

by June 1, 2021

Washing Machine Heart

A song that talks about never being enough “I know who you pretend I am”

Letting people use you, basically a people pleaser.

Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart” A heart that trys to people please

by ieatpatrickbateman May 5, 2023


What the fax machine is used in many ways and can state many things but there is one phrase that rules all... when someone hurts themselves they say.


Holy fax machine can also state the curse word fu*k

“You are such a HOLY FAX MACHINE! meanie!”

by Sabooboo the great February 28, 2018

Sledgehammer to the coin machine

When a sledgehammer is swung willy nilly like towards the genitals of another person.

"Hey did you hear about Wilcox? He took a sledgehammer to the coin machine."
"Really? He must have been in Florida."

by The coin purse bandit May 18, 2022

Automatic Teller Machine

Automatic teeeeler machine!

Ulseaphi: "Automatic Teller Machine"

by automatic teller machine man May 24, 2021

1👍 2👎

Time Machine Tuesday

An expression used on social media that is way more original than throw back Thursday. It is meant to show an event that happened a while ago and be posted on Tuesday.

Did you see that Time Machine Tuesday post?

by aidan2300 May 21, 2015

anus time machine

A dildo shaped device inserted into the anus that when it comes into contact with feces will transport you back in time to when The meal that is being shat out was eaten

I used an anus time machine to eat that taco Bell again Only problem was that my pants were down In the middle of the taco bell

by katoom rider 76 March 31, 2014