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peel a cap

To shoot someone in the head with a firearm: cuz if you shoot someone in the head while they're wearing a hat, you 'peel' their 'cap' off.

To 'peel a cap' in "Hood Took Me Under" by Compton's Most Wanted:

"This fool I thought was my homie, dropped a dime,
So I gotta peel his cap with the 9."

by Lil Dre March 19, 2006

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Mushroom Cap

Noun-The bruise left after a man takes his penis and slaps his partner across the head.

Verb- The act of giving someone a mushroom cap.

Noun- Last night I left a huge mushroom cap on my girl's face.
Verb- I am going to mushroom cap you with my dick!

by Global Aneurysm January 17, 2012

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cap gown

To literally "cap and gown" a busta. To kill or cover up.

"Yo why u bullshit to her? You bout to get side walk steppin." "Nah homie, ima cap gown the situation, na mean?" "Ha...word my nigga A-Z the situation."

by i-ca$h, RK July 3, 2006

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When you are avoiding work by instant messaging your friends during office time, but forget to take the caps lock off after you do data entry, and type to them in all caps.

Hey whats going on?
Woa, whats wrong are you mad?

by misswoodles June 9, 2010

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ass cap

tattoo on the lower back,above the buttock

Her pants were so low, you could see her ass cap

by iligirl October 31, 2007

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caps lock

The key on the keyboard that every n00b leaves enabled.

CUZ I YOOZ CAPS LOCK AND YUU DONT OLOLOLOLOLOLO!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

by Racecar56 April 10, 2009

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Cap the jew

Having you and/or a freind find a jewish person, or somebody that resembles a jewish person and placing objects like cake tins or lunch box lids on their heads, whilst spouting 'Cap the Jew'. Anything can be used as a 'Jew cap' really, and the dirtier the better, you really want to mess up that jews hair in the process.

Capper 1: Antthony look at boris he looks like a fuckin jew
Capper 2 (Anthony): haha put that lid on his head like a jew cap
Capper 1 walks over to where the jew is standing and places himself behind the jew inconspicuously with the lunchbox lid behind his back
Capper 1: CAP THE JEW!
Capper 1 places the lid on the jews head resembling a jewish skulll cap and gets all manner of crums and shit in the jews hair, the jew seems embaressed and insulted, yet is too much of a jew to do anything about it
Capper 2: nice, you got that jew

by Sam gofton December 1, 2007

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