The act of getting intoxicated and disrobing in an effort to accelerate physical contact with a new sexual prospect. Usually executed by jumping into bed, or showing up in some room naked - often to the shock of some.
Koyfie: I pulled the drunk and strip last night.
Brian: No way, bro, again?
Koyfie: Yeah, she was out the door so fast it took the air out of my lungs.
When a person has gone completely past their threshold and is trashed beyond belief. Usually they end up making a drunken spectacle of themselves in a public setting.
Guy 1: "Dude did you see _____ trying to breakdance on the table at Denny's last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah man, he was a total drunk show. Lolz"
When a group passes out from alcohol consumption all in the same place resulting in a pile of drunk body's.
Damn dude...that's a big drunk-pile.
Dude, I woke up in a drunk-pile this morning.
Dude, I think I passed out in a drunk-pile last night.
To be so in love you start acting like you're a happy, giggly drunk
Natalia and Anna were so drunk on love they couldn't stop laughing and they were all over eachother
When you get to the point of drunkeness that you are incapable of remembering your name, where you are, and why you are...or are not...wearing underpants.
Bro #1 "Bro...are you okay?"
Bro #2 " ...whsush"
Bro #1 "Oh man you're Primo Drunk"
Bro #2 *Drops*
Being able to shuffle 40% better while drunk because of the feeling of your feet sliding across the ground when your drunk or stoned.
That guy came in second place in the anual shuffle comp, if he were Drunk Shuffling he'd come first..
When you’re out of it from being tired and act like your drunk or high
Woah dude, I’m feelin a bit tired drunk