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A grigger with a humungous nose that likes to fuck men in his free time. Ole also enjoys to lick people's asses until they cum in anger

ole has a microscopic penis and likes big black niggas

by Iown13slaves May 26, 2022


Synonym for chad

That guy is such an Ole.

by warrior of allah inshallah June 14, 2022


Very cool Guy, that rocks everybody out. Master blues guitarist and main womaniser

Ole is Nice

by The master womaniser February 25, 2017


Ole is a young, tall, hot young man that gets all the ladies. He can take your girl, your girl’s dog and your girl’s grandma’s dog’s sister.

DISCLAIMER: He will protect forever but if a dog chases you guys, you’re on your own<3

Uh hide your girl, Ole is really hawtt

by Tladi The 1st November 21, 2021


A dude full of love and happiness
Awesome to talk to
Great in bed
Keeps it real

Man, why can't everyone be like ole.

by Stinkydude January 11, 2017


A great guy, who plays guitar and never hits ready !!!

Ole!! Fucking press Ready already !

by totem patrol March 21, 2021


A guy who's called Ole is a friendly, cool and stylish guy who is there for you at every moment you need him!

Ole is perfect for a cool chillout-session with music and friends.

Be friendly to him, 'cause if he doesn't like somebody he doesn't talk to this person.

You really should have an Ole in your life! He will make your life better!

Sup mate?

Everything's nice, sitting in the park and chilling with Ole makes my life better!

Yo say greetings to Ole, he's a super cool dude!

by Oldjamaicagingerbeer April 6, 2017