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Pick me fboy

Ethan Walc0tt literally this is he. He be that ho

Eman such a pick me fboy

by Cacali April 16, 2023

the pickings are slim

a) there is no point in arguing with you because you adamantly reject common sense and scientific reality.

b) I didn't get my way this time, but I'll get my revenge next time.

As per definition b) when the pickings are slim, do not take your revenge in a violent manner, but calmly try again.

by Sexydimma September 23, 2014

the pickings are slim

there is no point in arguing with you because you adamantly reject common sense and scientific reality.

do not argue with stupid, retargerous, naive people, or someone who is not the brightest lightbulb in the chandelier; most often than not the pickings are slim and you end up wasting your time.

by Sexydimma December 18, 2014

I’ll pick you up from O’Hare

If someone says they will pick you up from O’Hare, it means they like you a lot.

Her “how much do you love me

You “so much, that I’ll pick you up from O’Hare when you fly in next

by Chicago 77 January 30, 2021



That guy in the corner has a case of the pick-in-pox.

by prowsboys September 27, 2019

Picking Lemons

When a character is doing something dumb in a horror movie that will probably result in their death. Not necessarily always ending in the characters death, though the danger of the situation is obvious to those watching.

"Did you hear Maria was exploring that abandoned house the other day?"
"The one that was owned by the serial killer?
"Yeah, she's totally Picking Lemons"

by clawfullgood May 24, 2020

Lithuanian Lock Pick

When multiple people are chained together with a rusty lock and the only way to unlock the lock is using ejaculate to lube up the lock

I had a Lithuanian lock pick with 5 people last night

by Jonnywoinkuz February 14, 2024