The way a girl makes you feel when she acts more interested than you but then decides to change her mind a week later.
I am literally the most random guy on the planet rn. Last week Molly acted so interested in me and now she's ghosting me for no reason.
Random is a choice made by nothing that boggles our human minds...
when thinking of HOW a computer makes randomness it puts you down a rabbit hole because computers follow instuentons, so how could you simulate random?
Once apon a time Luke could never be held accountable for his actions or verbal gibber as he was born with a rare gift courtesy of his genetic makeup. He could fool the whiliest and most cunning trickery, hibernating ways and strange connection with nature! He even got called a dog whisperer even… True story! But what made him truly unique was simply, where is Luke? shit it’s been 3yrs and Luke’s and the front door for example and I’m still lying in bed in my oodie lol.
True fact from Luke himself, don’t take him on his word rule number 1, if he says there is a crocodile in a near by lagoon don’t rule it out and thirdly if you are ever in a bother and need a quick solution (legal of course) try and locate Luke hahaha yeah your in shit…Luke spends a lot of time outside the box so running around in the bush at night isn’t uncommon 🥵 But people Australia is rather large and he does get about (not around!) so it’s best he contact you. Also and this is a big one… he is like a fox(the animal) and his mind constantly changes uh huh try keeping up with a fox people 🐕 only a 12guage beats a fox!!!
Luke is at the door mum. Totally Random mind you! Luke had 20mins to kill so yep random stop in. Oh nice oddie ha ha yes I’ll have a tea thanks 👍
Cannot begin to keep up with you
Dude you are like totally random and I’m loosing you.
Someone who never ceases to amaze us/you
That wasn’t just random it was totally random!!!
(Noun) One who attends town meeting and dares to inquire about town politics, rules , regulations, hypocrisy.
A taxpayer with a brain full of intelligence and a soul with integrity who fears nothing.
One who questions the decisions and policies of town employees whose salary is paid by said RFCs.
The selectman were questioned at length' by the random f’ing citizens over the decision to decline a special town meeting.
The random f’ing citizens gathered signatures to have a special town meeting to allow a vote on an audit of the police force.
“Who are these random f’ing citizens and how dare they hold our feet to the fire? Can’t they leave us alone? “ The selectman was overheard asking at last night’s meeting.