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Cock rocked

When a group of males get together with erections and proceed to beat one female in the face with their penises....

The female must sit there and take cock after cock after cock after cock after cock until all males have ejaculated

Girl 1: OH MY GOD! What happened to your face?!?
Girl 2: Let's just say I was cock rocked 😅😉

by Adrianissupa September 13, 2016

Meow Rock

A sub-genre of rock in which the singers of the bands sing with a pseudo-soulful, southern twang that makes all of their lyrics sound like a cat from Georgia Meowing for 3-6 min. Mostly tools listen to this. One might say it sounds like they are trying to sing with a pint of syrup in their mouth and they are trying to not spit it out, but not swallow it either. Bands that are in this genre: Pearl Jam, Creed, Cold, Kings of Leon, Matchbox 20 / Rob Thomas, Nirvana part 2 or (Seether), Hinder, and much more.

Man I met this dude at this party and he seemed cool enough so I was cool to him. The next day I found out he liked Meow Rock, so I hit him with a bus.

by xxPowerlocxx March 20, 2011

4👍 -1👎

Karl Rock

A Kiwi you tuber. He is a doppelganger of PewDiePie. He lives in India, travels around India making vlog videos. He's also married to an Indian girl. Despite looking like PewDiePie, he's a fan of Tseries. He's also known as PewDiePie on crack or Crackpie. Unlike PewDiePie who makes meme review, Karl makes scam reviews in India exposing scammers.

Person A: hey look PewDiePie is in our neighbourhood.

Person B: he's not pewds. He's Karl Rock
He's basically PewDiePie's doppelganger

by Saitama 777 September 9, 2020

Rocking Bill

"ROCKING BILL" (Also see - "Rocking Billy Bob)

Refers to a person with limited intelligence who sits making repetitive, rocking movements for hours on end whilst both walking and sitting (possibly whilst sleeping), salivates excessively and is voluntarily incontinent of urine. May carry a large potato on his person.

General and widely acknowledged oddball.


As with Rocking Bill, but clothed in a lumberjack shirt, dungaree's, a straw hat and long piece of hay / straw for chewing. Shotgun, rocking chair and yapping dog optional.

Levels of "Rocking Billy Bobness" vary, according to the number of missing or decayed teeth and the frequency and volume with which he speaks.

"Oh shit! Leg it - the local Rocking Bill is coming over"

"That fella there? He's a full on Rocking Bill"

A Rocking Billy Bob is likely to be heard yelling -

"Yeeehaaaahhh!! Ahm a gonna go find me some nigger to shoot"

by Parly July 9, 2009

rock botherer

A rock climber, or more frequently someone who’s into ‘bouldering’. The more serious a rock botherer, the more they tend to bother it. They will stare at the rock wall, hug it, groom it, and leave blood, sweat and tears behind on it.

Here come another group of holier-than-thou rock botherers! It’s ok, just keep moving or they’ll stick their heels in your armpit and hang off your jugs.

by irama January 9, 2018

rock crawling

4-wheeling in rocky terrain, usually on slopes.

We got in our Jeeps and went rock crawling in the mountains.

by Ansky June 9, 2014

Shiny rock

When you are focused on doing something and all of a sudden you are distracted. When you are having a conversation and all of a sudden you are distracted or have a random thought.
Having a conversation with someone and noticing their "shiny" ring or jewelry, in which your focus suddenly becomes about their jewelry.

You are having a conversation with someone and all of a sudden "shiny rock" you change the subject to something completely random or different.

You are focused on doing something and all of a sudden "shiny rock" you randomly do something completely off track of that focus.

by Candygirlie August 25, 2013