The practice of attending multiple social functions consecutively. A sign of popularity. May be reduced to "stacking". The person who has such a busy social life is a "stacker".
Popular chick A: What's on tonight?
PC B: I got the dinner at Bev's, then meeting Aldo for drinks at (the coolest place in town here), the Jackie's wants us to meet her at Chang's for dancing.
PC A: I so love social stacking.
a simple expression to say your are, of course, masturbating.
"Are y-you Jacking Your Stack?"
Former double decker freeway span which ran through West oakland. was destroyed in the 1989 Loma prieta earthquake and has since been replaced by the I-980 freeway
I use 980 every day. I think it's easier to navigate then the cypress stack was!
My father disowned me when he found out I was the bottom of a cracker stack
Someone who is clumsy and repeatedly falls over, sometimes while drunk but sometimes just because he's a total spas.
Rob totally fell over his own feet on the golf course and ended up in the lake!
Thats no surprise he is the Stack Master!
Cum stacking is the process by which various ejaculatory supplements such as semenoid are used in order enhance a man's cum production. The ultimate goal of any cum stacker is to produce the hardest and largest cumshot possible. Cum stackers will stack various cum supplements in order to achieve the ultimate cum. Thus coins the term "cum stacking".
My cums have been pretty weak recently, so I've started cum stacking.
"No matter how storage-containers are arranged in a stack, the one you want will always be on the bottom, and so you'll have to move all of the others first."
Regardless of whether you arrange a stack of boxes in alphabetical/numerical order from top to bottom or bottom to top, Murphy's Law of stacked boxes will always "get you" --- i.e., da box you'll need will always be ether da first or last one, depending on which way you stacked them, and so you'll always need to take them all down to get to da one you need.