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Sweet Cum

Sweet Cum

Robert:Damn I gave shortie some sweet cum
John:shut the fuck up

by Ronkbob April 26, 2021

sweet bisquit

Word to describe the vagina aka the scone .

How would you like to get a taste of this sweet bisquit aka the scone.

by DouggieDrew December 30, 2017

Sweet Lazulie

An adorable and cute artist who thinks she sucks at drawing ans writing BUT SHE'S FU**ING AMAZING !!

Me : U are beautiful u are my sweet lazulie
Sweet Lazulie : *blush*

by iloveyousweetlazulie December 20, 2018

Sweet love

A pure, simple but deep feeling of warmth that ignites your heart but at the same time brings peace to your soul. Sweetest love develops from friendship, builds up on trust and allows you to be who you truly are. Don't be mistaken, this love is one of the most powerful feelings and ties two souls with a strong, intrinsic bond.

Friend X: 'The way they each feel for each other is just so touching. Their bond seems so natural, but so deep.'
Friend Y: 'I know, it's so cute. That's what sweet love is about.'

by Little Veggie November 14, 2016

sweet diarrhea

The smell of baby poo, after the baby has consumed sweet vegetables like sweet potatoes or yams. Can sometimes have a rainbow sherbet appearance.

The guy in front of me in line at the store smelt like"sweet diarrhea"!

by StinkyVonCrustyBuns November 29, 2014

Sweet Nookie

Sweet Nookie is a phrase used in the place of any form of sexual innuendo. Can also refer to any act of intimate or sexual nature.

Joel was texting Mia all day, cuz he wanted some of that sweet nookie.

by The Wooblarg January 20, 2016

Sweet misogyny

The banter of men with old school traditional values.
Does not apply to abusive sexist remarks or actions

I know it's wrong but his sweet misogyny makes me feel safe and secure

by Sweet misogyny January 25, 2023

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