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Jessica's Mom

The answer to everything and anything.

Jimmy: What does 2+2 equal?
Yesenia: Jessica's Mom.

by yeseniababe November 20, 2009

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pinterest mom

a mom that literally diys and crafts every fucking thing

"Hey did your mom make this?"

"I mean yea she's a pinterest mom"

by easternunnsh November 23, 2016

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Mom Bod

A body found typically on women ages 20-35 who have just given birth and/ or spend most of their time taking care of their kids rather than going to the gym . A mom bod includes but is not limited to, thick thighs, a soft and round but small belly, love handles, wide hips, a rear end that has the perfect amount of softness, length and width. Women with mom bods are NOT OBESE but they are 5-15 pounds overweight in the right places. A lot of women with mom bods still have their facial beauty but with the extra and amazing body thickness that comes with having children. Having a mom bod is not a bad thing, many guys find it attractive and even prefer it over a rail thin body type. One benefit of having a mom bod is that you’ll look super hot in leggings or yoga pants and you will also give the best cuddles as your body feels like a pillow :) Having a mom bod and being thick are technically the same thing but mom bods are more special because mom bods are more of a symbol of honor.

Friend: hey bro look at that girl over there she thick af like damn

Me: isn’t that Molly? She had a kid but damn she still looks good af she def has a Mom Bod just look at her thighs and butt

Friend : Hell yah mom bods Rock!

by Guzz Buzz September 6, 2021

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soccer mom

The type of woman you'd see driving in front of you on the freeway at her own pace, with a "my child is a honor student at (insert school name here)" bumper sticker and gives you the finger when you pass her up. The type of woman who has worked with her kind to control what kids say to the point where saying words like "crap" and phrases like "shut up" are inappropriate. The type of woman who has worked effortlessly to dumb down once great networks like Nickelodeon and Disney Channel to where a show about a spoiled bitch girl that has everything she wants is the only thing deemed worthy for her kids to watch. This type f woman who brain washes her kids, sucking their souls so they are nothing more than pop culture slaves that give untalented whores like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber undeserved fame. The type of woman who encourages her daughter to dress like sluts and act as bimbos rather than developing and expressing their own individuality. The type of woman who looks down on woman who work to feed their kids and allow their kids personal freedom. This type of woman deserves no voice or say in anything because she is a waste of cells and has n real role in society.

Soccer Mom: My daughter is going with her friends to a Justin Bieber concert, he's the thing they're into these days.
Real Mom: Mine is going to alice in chains and soundgarden concert, she like those bands because people actually remember them after five years.
Soccer Mom: Ugh, your daughter is a misfit, I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out like you, she'll never be like mine
Real Mom: (laughs in her face) And that's supposed to be a bad thing?

by tech kid January 26, 2011

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facebook mom

Usually named karen , susan , thelma , etc. posts redneck and minion memes

vania: my mom is such a facebook mom
me: yea, she’s posted 9 minion memes already today.

by ramennoodletampons February 23, 2020

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Trevors Mom

Trevors mom could be any ones mom. She is nation wide and known throughout the country. In any sentence, in any conversation piece.... i.e. especially when referring to big holes, open trenches, things blown out, or anything perverse... Just add in trevors Mom.

Dude.... were going on a vacation to the grand Canyon !..... Oh your going to see trevors mom? Tell her I said hi.

by Neerg912 December 11, 2015

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Lululemon mom

A speed walking, yoga slaying, PTO president elitisit. The type of women to ask the waiter for a better table, twice. She's a real nice MILF to have on your good side, but cross her child and her perfectly manicured toes and tori burch sandal is going straight up your butt hole

"Yo Kevin wanna finish our project tonight? "

"No man, I've got a lululemon mom. She'll do it for me"

by Rotisseringchickens April 1, 2016

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