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Drop a Dog

pooping, takign a shit

I am farting like mad, I need to go drop a dog

by Kaye12 May 28, 2010

pop and drop

When someone is dating someone for a short period of time and then have sex then, soon after, break up.

"she and i had a pop and drop"

by krispy kreme December 11, 2004

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Dropping Tโ€™s

Dropping Tโ€™s Means to give out testers to drug addicts so they can shop with you if they like it

Dummy and them was dropping tโ€™s 5 o clock this morning

by 2SlickBipperShorty March 5, 2019

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dropping a duece

Having a shit

Mike: where's Dave
Bill: in the bathroom dropping a duece
Mike: I hope he flushes it

by hhgff May 29, 2015

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drop dog

Drop dog is to find a woman very hot and want to have sex with her!!

I would drop dog all over her ass!!

by Drop dog July 29, 2018

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dropping the piano

Being a total douchebag by abusing your powers to derail and trash a much beloved project for your own personal amusement.

I can't believe Chuck ended up dropping the piano on his own show.

by Jeff Dude February 20, 2015

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Drop Goal

A method of kicking a ball by dropping it onto the ground and kicking it when it rebounds. This is a scoring situation in the following sports.

Rugby Union: Out of the 3, the one with the most common use of drop goals (although not as often as many people think). generally used as a last resort to break a deadlock in play or for a last minute win e.g. Joel Stransky in 1995 world cup and Jonny Wilkinson in 2003. Worth 3 points.

Rugby League: Significantly more rare for two reasons making it much less useful, firstly the low value (1 point) and secondly that any action in range is either when the defending team has the ball or when a player has run both clear of the defence and roughly three quarters of the pitch.

American football: A throwback from when the game was similar to rugby. extremely rarely if ever used due to safer or more valuable methods of attempting points within range and also the shape of the ball being far from ideal with an extremely unpredicatble bounce. Worth 3 points.

"and then he kicked a drop goal"

"I'm sorry, which sport were you watching again"

by RRT August 3, 2005

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