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Spider fingers

Slang word for Arachnodactyly. Extremely long fingers are side effects along with long toes. Helpful power up when fingering girls and fielding in cricket.

"I wish I had spider fingers like Rick"

by no-one likes him April 18, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

finger breading

When girls circle around a piece of bread and finger themselves, the last girl to squirt on the bread has the eat the bread.

Damn that shit was so gross when Melissa lost that game of finger breading, SHE ATE THE WHOLE SLICE!

by T-Dog Maloney March 25, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Finger of God

Touching the finger of god usually takes a strong Hallucinogenic, but when achieved, one feels completely still in mind and heart, it's when the worries in life aren't answered but are sorted out to grasp in a new perceptive. Life is looked at with a lens of hope and honesty.The finger of god can be compared to enlightenment or in a theological sense, being born again.

Scott- hey, how you doing?

Brett- I don't know, I feel different...yet I feel the same...I'm confused...but happy...I feel Satisfied.

Scott-you my friend touched the finger of god last night!

Brett- I touched something, that's fo realllz

by HawtdadINhell January 24, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

salad fingers

salad fingers is a silly man who is just trying to make it in this world of nettles and rusty spoons.

"i want to marry all you gorgeous taps"
"the feeling of rust agains my salad fingers is almost orgasmic"

by katy luke March 31, 2005

135๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

finger blasting

aggressive finger banging of a vagina.

I was finger blasting some girl in the middle of the party.

by Meat Drapes August 14, 2009

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finger eleven

An awesome band from Burlington, Ontario formerly known as The Rainbow But Monkeys. Contrary to popular belief, they are not nu metal and their name has nothing to do with dicks. They have three albums out: Tip, The Greyest of Blue Skies, finger eleven, and they have some good songs such as Above, Drag You Down, Good Times, Absent Elements, etc.

The band consists of:

Scott Anderson-vocals
James Black-guitar
Rick Jackett-guitar
Sean Anderson-bass
Rich Beddoe-drums

Stupid Guy: finger eleven sucks!

Me: Why?

Stupid Guy: cuz One Thing is a crappy song.

Me: Is that the only song by them you've heard?

Stupid Guy: Yeah.

Me: That's why you think that way.

Stupid Guy: Oh.

by mista conspiracy June 23, 2005

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banana fingers

A spoof of the online cartoon "Salad Fingers", the main character is Banana fingers. Another character is Hubert Cucumberdale, spoof of Hubert Cumberdale.

"You taste delicious. You taste fantastic! You taste like popcorn."-Banana Fingers

by Yonnie December 9, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž