A true CAR LOVER who really loves Cars and can do anything for Cars. His love for cars will never end.
; origin Spain. a person who loves more than life its self , in a childs eye , true , honest and real. Loyal and kind. As a a lolly pop or special candy is enjoyed with nothing else in or on mind then just that. Innocent and true LOVE.
When Im at Disneyland , im taken to a place I know and very comfortable knowing the lolly lover part of me is everything Ive ever wanted. Im used to no and now.
Someone who is crazy, but has a big heart
She is my Wacko Lover.
Someone who is crazy, but has a big heart
She is my Wacko Lover 😘😍
Someone who is crazy, but has a big heart
She is my wacko lover.
A pair/or individual who is never out of love.
Me no down to dey talk,
Many Yab a Ropa lover
someone who loves landrys fat big verlumptuous humongous giant booty
"dude ur such a landry big booty lover" your friend says "your gorsh darn right"