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dumb negro

An African American who thinks that a white Jesus has died for his sins.

Look at the dumb negro over there , praying to a picture of a white Jesus.

by You like that! April 6, 2016

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When another person purposely doesn’t know something (or pretends he/she can’t figure something out) in order to hassle you or make your life difficult.

I laid the whole job out a head of time and at the last minute Marty dumb-shitted me about the job location. He demanded directions and a map for a location I know he drives by everyday…so I had to scramble to get him the info that I know he already knows...and I got blamed for the job starting late.

by ~Foo Fighter~ April 26, 2007

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Dumb Zombies

When you have 3+ drunken girls who have been smoking weed and just got raped by 5+ Asians, orgasming all over the floor and they can't stop.

I saw some girls just get dumb zombied!

I think i saw a few dumb zombies.

by Pussyeater985 November 3, 2010

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dumb attack

When somebody over reacts to something small/dumb/stupid.

OMG who turned off the fucking light, im going to kill someone for that BS. Man my pops was really having a DUMB ATTACK last night, cause i turned off the kitchen light

by teg96rs October 3, 2007

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dumb genius

A Mac Genius who doesn't know wtf he's talking about.

Like a guy that gives you the standard tech help line - "it's not our problem you have to go somewhere else to fix that." -

When you protest saying that he can, in fact, fix it, he asks two questions to a real Mac Genius and then fixs it in 2 minutes, which he could have done an hour ago, if he just knew what he was talking about.

I went to the MAC store but all I found was a dumb genius.

by frusCust February 3, 2010

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dumb prick


mia, you dumb prick

by dykasaurus August 24, 2020

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dumb asian

When a person is half Asian and half caucasion. Therefore they are smarter than the average caucasion, but not quite as smart as the typical asian.

Naevry is a dumb asian.

by Naevry's nemesis February 16, 2023

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