Lazy type is when you are SO lazy, you shorten words into less characters in texting.
1 = won
2 = too/to
4 = for
8 = ate
af = as f**k
b = be
B) = glasses guy
bs = bull s**t
c = see
cu = see you
D: = big frown
ez = easy
f = respects
fu = f**k you
g = jee
g8 = gate
gg = good game
gl = good luck
gr8 = great
h8 = hate
hk = heck
ic = I see
id = I'd
idc = I don't care
idk = I don't know
ik = I know
ill = I'll
ily = I love you
im = I'm
io = I owe
iv = ivy
jk = just kidding
k = okay
kys = kill yourself (terrible!!!)
l = loser
l8 = late
l8r = later
lmao = laughing my a** off
lmfao = laughing my f**king a** off
lol = laugh out loud (Classic!)
m8 = mate
ma = mom
mf = mother f**ker
mt = empty
n = in?
ne1 = anyone
np = no problem
nv = envy
o = oh
ok = okay (not really lazy, but I had to put it on here)
op = overpowered
p = pea/pee
pa = dad
pj's = pajamas
pm = private messages/PM (like the time)
pp = peepee?
q = cue/queue
qt = cutie
r = are
r8 = rate
rp = roleplay
su = shut up
t = tea/tee
tho = though
ttyl = talk to you later
ty = thank you
u = you
ur = you are/your
vc = voice chat/voice call
w = win
w8 = wait
wtf = what the f**k
wth = what the heck
x = ex/cross
xD = laugh
xoxo = kisses and hugs/I love you/Tic-Tac-Toe
y = why
:D = big smile
:) = smile
:( = frown
:C = big frown
:S = confused face
:P = stick out tounge
:O = surprised
:| = neutral
lol i 1 tht waz ez B) cu agn tmrw!
Lazy type for everyone lol
A guy that really likes men and penises
Bill is a pencil type of guy.
A male science nerd, the opposite of someone who will later become a l.e.m
If you are a good girl marry a stem type not a future l.e.m
A typing toot is like a brain fart, but in text form. When a person changes thoughts or phrasing mid sentence, and types a non-sensical sentence. For example " Are we going leaving for the movie soon?"
Ignore the typing toot in my last email. I know it didn't make sense.