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Alaskan Cruise

A large or obscene amount of elderly people condensed on to one ship

Morris and a few of his buddies took an Alaskan Cruise and left with grey hair

I couldn’t believe the amount of girls on the Alaskan Cruise, I couldn’t have myself enough

by Mr. Cuban Missile July 12, 2022

Alaskan Thunderfuck

Having sex while bear hugging and making moose noises and wearing a hat like Bofur the dwarf.

Hey, want an alaskan thunderfuck? I hear its the bees knees!

by Dumpater January 7, 2021

alaskan tootsie roll

The act of taking a shit outside in extreme cold weather, where the shit only gets half way out of your ass hole before freezing solid.

I had to hurry and take a dump out there before it became an alaskan tootsie roll.

by Webster definer March 24, 2024

alaskan turtle fart

in the freezing cold one curls up in the fetal position and lets it rip

we were camping and she let out an alaskan turtle fart

by wonkydonkey312 July 19, 2024

Alaskan Gas Chamber

When multiple men lock a woman in a cage and proceed to fart into it until the woman cannot move. Once the men see the paralyzed women they then have anal sex simultaneously.

Yo Tyrese, me and the gang just hit a Alaskan Gas Chamber on Ice Spice!

by Ilovekidsbelowtheageof7 February 11, 2024

alaskan wheelchair

Daubinski's signature sex move...You sit her down on a wheelchair and bang her with an ice dildo.

Bruh I just tried the alaskan wheelchair... bruh.

by Daubinski July 15, 2017

Alaskan one night stand

an Alaskan one night stand is a situationship originally a hook up or friends with benefits situation that has not only lasted a long time but also reached serious relationship milestones without being labeled as a relationship. it usually happens when one or both participants consciously or subconsciously desire a relationship but don’t communicate in fear of rejection.

Sue: My friend Tammy is pregnant with her third child.
Betty: Oh, is she seeing someone?
Sue: No, she has been having an Alaskan one night stand for the last 5 years.

by s. betty June 20, 2022