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death breath

A teacher from our school is called death breath cause it could kill you it is that bad.
She is called it by Jo carleno And Marsic.


by Jo Carleno May 5, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

I cant breath

Thats what a black man said before the crazy cop killed him...This black man had 5 criminal records,but this doesnt justify his death.However it was no racism ,the cop had mental illness or whatever.Stop looting the fucking stores and listening to Billie Eilish etc.. Moreover all lives matter you dumbass

Normal person:*made a poster and peacefully stands on the street protesting.
Brainless i cant breath person:-Ahhh, a new pair of shoes.Nice

by Qw3elTheSeal June 12, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dolphin big breath

The dolphin big breath is defined as: surprising your mate with a thumb dipped in a freshly microwaved shot glass full of tuna fish and vegetable oil stuffed in their ass dp style (see also dp) while inserting your peen in her veen (see also peen, veen) to which they reply with โ€œieee eet eet ettโ€ followed by an enormous approving sigh.

โ€œHoly shit Connor, we could hear the dolphin big breath you laid on that female from here.โ€

by coonieanstiss May 3, 2022

hot ass breath

When someone exhales in your face and their breath is HOT AS SHIT

Get the fuck out of here with your HOT ASS BREATH

by MentallyunstableAshleyTisdale July 27, 2021

Birmingham breath freshener

When someone farts in your mouth while you are licking or sucking there asshole

"Susan had some really bad morning breath so I gave her a Birmingham breath freshener ."

by Bigcat35 December 31, 2018

Bum Dick Breath

Triffelin hoe who doesn't care who's dick, how many dicks, or where those dicks have been. Her only goal is a dick in the face. And enjoys keeping those rewards for as long as possible by not brushing, flossing, or rinsing. Then proceeds to engage in as much group contact and conversation as possible so she can brag by exuding her bum Dick Breath on all. All of which she does while exclaiming she's not that kind of girl.

Jesus Christ can you believe that bitches bum Dick Breath. Seriously she should go talk to a wall or get into a fight with a toothbrush. What a foul ass hoe.

by 69hammy69 February 17, 2022

Chicago Breathing-Style

A subset of the demon slayer corp style, where the user brandishes a UZI in a Toyota Corola in his hood and drive-by the nearest project, preferably in Chicago Illinois

Person 1: Yo, Wagwan, you heard Jerry got Chicago Breathing-Style on
Person 2: Damn, the opps really pulled up huh

by Dinosaurruaronid October 31, 2023