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The answer to literally everything. Unlike "49", this is not only for gamers or coders.

Also can be a good answer to a dumb statement or question.

VERRY IMPORTANT: When u talk, u can put more accent, more time on 1 letter or another, or talk louder on only 1 or 2 letters. When on a msg, u can just put capitals or put more than 1 letter. Ur never obligated to put a capital to the "b", even at the beginning of a sentence. The "h" can be deleted of the sentence.


-What is Minecraft?
Example 2:

-What are you doing tonight? Going to play mc during all the night?

-No, i'm going to sleep.

by Da Infinite Gamer March 12, 2024



Person 1: bruh

by Recktm8 August 12, 2015


something you say when your in some deep shit

waiter: drops tray of beers Waiter: Bruh

by i have 2 moms and 6 dads September 18, 2019


Its just this- 😐

"Bruh, are you serious rn?"

by Aidan D. June 12, 2020


Bruh is the symbol of peace and peace and also peace

A: yo let's bruh
B: Aight

by Bruh number one November 26, 2019


Bruh is typically used when someone is annoyed and frustrated. Children from the ages 8-12 are the main users of bruh.

Bruh...why did you do that?

by Dreamygirl1908 June 7, 2022


An expression used to express serious "are you kidding me right this second."

Teacher: Okay kids! What is water made of?
Kid 1: Hydrogen?
Me: B R U H T H I S K I D D O E S N ' T K N O W W H A T H 2 O I S. (having a literal bruh moment)

by Your friendly neighborhood idi October 20, 2020