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pepsi coke challenge

pepsi coke challenge is where you blindfold a girl put one finger up thier bum and one up their fanny and they have to guess by taste

did you hear dude?

nar what man ??

george did the pepsi coke challenge to alex

awww thats sick man

by gaxgirlalex May 14, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

6 pack challenge

Consuming six beers within 15 minutes without vomiting during 30 minutes starting at the beginning of the attempt.

Rules: no shotguns or beer bongs allowed. you must drink straight out of the can or bottle, no pouring in a cup or adding ice. Drinking can be done warm or cold but if the competitor attepts with warm beer, let it be known it is easier to drink warm beer fast, and he shall be known as the "pussy one". Once completed you are considered a man. try and beware. Taunting, teasing, and verbal abuse is all acceptable to attempt to make the competitor fail.

Fuck man i just did the 6 pack challenge wobbly H a bitch with my homie and im FUCKED UP

by Barry__B May 2, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rainbow Milk Challenge

Its where a small group of people get liter sized milk jugs one each, put random food coloring in them, and drink it as fast as you can. Then you try to puke.

Me and my friends are gonna do the rainbow milk challenge! Yay for rainbow puke!

by playmike5 January 24, 2013

51๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twelve-hour challenge

When one attempts to drink a twelve pack of beer in under twelve hours at 12,000 feet or above. Under normal conditions, this is an easy task, but at altitude because of the lack of oxygen present, it becomes an immensely difficult thing.

After Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Everest, Hillary, to Sherpa:

"Finally, I can get one-beer crizzunk, Sherpa. Let's begin that twelve-hour challenge!"

by handle February 27, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roast yourself challenge

A YouTube/internet trend which you are making fun of yourself the same way you would make fun of other people by roasting yourself.

Pewdiepie, smosh and other popular youtubers recently did the roast yourself challenge.

by Fuck.You.Mom July 11, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Light Challenge

A red light challenge is when you are stopped at a red light with a passenger in the front seat and you see how far you can go in hooking up before the light changes. Bonus points if you are not in a relationship with the person.

I was at a red light with Cindy and we totally went for the red light challenge. It was awesome!

by haterpig April 12, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

24 Hour Challenge

The 24 hour challenge is just that - once nominated, you have 24 hours to upload a video of you doing something outlandish in your gitch, outside in the sub-zero cold. After your stunt, you must immediately thank whoever nominated you for the nomination, nominate 3 people and tell them they have 24 hours to complete the challenge. Lastly, you must chug a beer.

"I got frostbite on my ass cheeks while trying to straddle a metal pole in -30 degree weather as I was doused in buckets of ice cold water and then I jumped into the Welland canal in nothing but my gitch"

"Why the fuck would you do that!?"

"I was nominated for the 24 hour challenge, why the fuck else would I do that!?"

by NiagaraPride February 4, 2014

64๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž