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clam slam

A sexual act lesbians perform when they open their legs and bump their vaginas into one another.

There's nothing a dyke likes better than a good old fashioned clam slam.

by rcr October 13, 2003

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clam hater

1) one who has a dislike for clams.
2) a fag, homo, or anyone who prefers guys instead of woman.

1) i dont tuna and im also a calm hater
2) oh my god that guy just turned down pussy"CLAM HATER"

by nick shuey March 16, 2005

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Clam Fight

Two nasty lesbians beating the piss out of each other. Typically, you can smell their fishy hooch sweat after two or three minutes of fighting.

Those two hoochies have been clam fighting for so long that it smells like an old warf in here.

by Mr. Pud October 8, 2008

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Drunken Clam

A drinking game. Drink three bottles of whatever alcoholic substance is in the room. Then say a sentence. Whoever says the first comprehensible sentence loses.

Jill'I eat dsjdsflj"
Jimmy"What's wrong with them?"
Bill"They're playing drunken clam"
Jack" i like burgers."
Bill" Jack is out."

by drinking games January 3, 2013

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clam jam

The female equivalent of 'fromunda cheese'


Girl: I haven't showered in a week, check out this clam jam!

by shakzilla February 17, 2011

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Clam Bake

1. When a male takes a multiple females into a hot tub.

2. When a male attempts to hang out with a large group of females, particularly avoiding a group of males to do so. Also known as a shanghai artist.

1. "Matt invited a bunch of girls to a clam bake at his house on Friday".

2. "Brian did not want to go to poker-night so he could clam bake his friends' wives".

by TheInfinitySaga July 3, 2012

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clam cheese

Smegma collecting under the clitoral hood or labia minora. It smells bad. It's similar to dick cheese in flavor and texture

His mom had a pound of clam cheese in her cooter, it tasted aweful.

by karcus June 1, 2007

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