The place for the a quicky for the drama geeks and weirdos of college
"Where is Jane?"
"In the Drama Closet with Mr Johnson..."
Awkward silence
Drama Closet
A friend that shows up to parties early, because they are insecure.
Jake showed up first, because he was afraid to bring attention to himself by arriving later:
What a closet friend:
I know right:
A job or promotion received due to having sexual relations with the boss, supposedly in a broom closet.
Tiffany didn't climb the ranks based on merit. She got broom closet jobs.
When you buy an article of clothing that, at the time, you "must have" and then end up hanging it up in your closet with the tags still on it and never wearing it. This then results in whenever you look in your closet you feel guilty when you spot that piece of clothing, but yet you still don't want to wear it. One may feel guilt for a number of reasons anything from feeling as if you wasted your money on something you never wear to feeling like you have so much clothes and yet still feel like there is nothing to wear!
Mom-Honey, get dressed it is almost time for school.
Daughter-Mom I can't...
Mom-Look, it isn't that hard all you gotta do is open up you closet door and-
Daughter-No I really CAN'T!
Mom-Why not!?
Daughter-Because...I have the guilt is in the closet syndrome.
Mom-Ooh...I knew you'd never wear that shirt!
When a male or female buys clothing to wear for their partner and yet never wears it
They bought some sexy sleepwear to wear for me but I’ve never seen it on them, they just closet locked the outfit
The person you were in the closet was a skin you needed to shed in order to grow, but that knowledge doesn't stop you from grieving them, missing them, and who you were when they were you. Try not to punish yourself for that fondness. You are allowed to love the people you have been, just as you are allowed to love the person you are.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Just feeling some closet grief today, thanks for asking. I'll be okay once I listen to some Robyn."